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Been there...


September 29, 2004 in Now you've done it... | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack

Mr. President?

Fucking liberals, god love us.

Glad I'm not a Republican in these troubled times though...

Here's the problem: Our current political climate has created two groups: the True Believers, and Everybody Else.

In my opinion, to cut to the chase, the Everybody Else can help us evolve the solution to our problems and the True Believers are a richly composting cancer-system built on centuries of mutual circle jerks and dangerous exploitative self-interestedness. Everybody Else is made up of the good people who don't buy it. True Believers create walled communties of like-minded assholes. Everybody Else learns how to live with and love each other.

If you're still with me...

True Believers in America are split into two groups:

(1) Hardcore right-wing religious kneejerk masturbate-fantasize-and-regret-it point-at-thier-neighbors excluders and

(2) Misled fearful lamb-of-god how-it-is-ers.

What's YOUR drug of choice?

The first group, number 1, will rot in their own personal hells, no far-flung fantasies of God necessary. They are misled by the warped biblical bullshit they let their corrupt and fascist faith-based leaders brainwash them with. They choose to exclude other people because they have no idea of how to accept themselves. There is little room in our society for thier artificial-morality-driven systems of distinction, but they believe that thier narrow vision of the practices of life is The Only Way. They are about as good as the fundamentalist regimes they claim to despise and they stand between us and progress.

The second, the how-it-is-ers, lamb-of-god-ers, can plead guilty only by means of insanity. All the voices inside and outside their heads (Fox News, the mainstream press replicating the memes of the Rove machine, personal guilt about personal failures, etc.) seem to be telling them to influence the most powerful nation on earth's choice of leader using the same criteria they would use to pick the king of the prom. They are a good reason to limit democracy to those who have effectively grown a garden, raised a pet, done a good thing. Opinions of these mushbrains are worthless.

The Excluders are the dried and dead skin of our puritanical witch-burning colonizer ancestors.

The How-it-is-ers are the frightened inner child of America. They believe we are in a war against terror. Iraq is related to this somehow. I heard it somewhere. Terror is bad. That's about how complicated it is.

True Believers have eyes that well up when they think of the status quo. If it ain't broke don't fix it. If you think differently than they do, they probably think you're broken. Interestingly, if you are broke you're probably different than them, and therefore need fixing. They fail to see that rights and freedoms protected are the key to their survival, and their arrogance. They tromp on creatives as if we were the forests they love to exploit.

Married True Believers share something special with each other that they call Sex. Anybody else's definition of sex is seen by them as, at best, reprehensible. Many True Believers think that what they fantasize about is counter to the better direction of society. They hate the porn their husbands jerk off too. They hate the possibilities of human sexuality, because to embrace them would be to embrace their Satan. To confront their desires they would need to accept themselves as different from their neighbors and variance is clearly outside of The Protocol. They see curiousity and exploration and creativity as the tools of a thing which is outside of their control, and therefore bad and dangerous and something to be judged and sentanced. To be a True Believer you must believe that you have already solved all of the hard problems. Progress is dangerous. Change is scary. Rhymes with Kerry. Figure it out.

Whatever happens, this election is not about John Kerry. A great majority of Mr. Kerry's supporters, me among them, are behind him because he is NOT the delusional and misled dickwad we are currently allowing to hold steed over this country. I believe that John Kerry should be our next president because I've seen some of his (prior to the race) speeches on the internet. I've seen his passion, I've seen his intellect; I believe Mr. Kerry is a superior man to Mr. Bush. But I know that, as in all elections in which an incumbant holds part, this election is about usurping the status quo. John Kerry is left having to market and sell himself to the True Believers, sad as that seems. The red states are seldom moved by practical concerns. They must be moved by vision and faith and an alternative direction. In the context of a poorly-envisioned war and recurring economic malaise this would seem a an easy stake to claim, however Mr. Kerry has somewhat bungled it. He has spent his career positioning himself as an alternative, contrary to what the country needs: a strong and motivated visionary. We should have nominated Howard Dean, but we didn't.

This election has become about George W. Bush and really about this: how badly does our "leader" need to fuck up before we overcome our collective self interest? What a fascinating intellectual question we have raised for ourselves: How much should we continue to invest in our mistakes before we collectively cut our loses?

The big problem though, is with our selves, the Everybody Else. If weirdos like me are among us, how are we to come to any kind of concensus?

September 29, 2004 in General Insanity | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack


George Conard writes a great post about the "Mexico City Policy", reinstated by the Bush administration, which refuses US governmental funding to any national or international organization which provides information related to abortion.

Vote. Do it for the children. Or lack thereof.

September 27, 2004 in Found Link | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Your little friend


Video Realistic Face Animations


an interface that can see what you're looking at

...And a dash of IBM's recently open-sourced voice-recognition technology...

Voila! A computer interface you can speak contextual instructions to.

I could see doctors using something like this to speak with "the surgeon"...

September 25, 2004 in Random Thoughts | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack


My favorite toy ever. I found one of these around the office when I worked at Amazon. Love it. Holy sweet bejesus.


September 25, 2004 in General Insanity | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Now it gets really weird...

I ate God in a dream once. She had unbelievable tits.

September 25, 2004 in Religion | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack


There is nothing better than the death of a bad idea.
I revel naked in the rotting compost of my past.
I want to drink the salt of truth until my body revolts and evacuates the last bits of everything bad that's ever happened.
My taste for expensive things will make me wealthy at the exact time I cease caring.
In the style of our times, we are experts of many things that have stopped mattering.
We have met the enemy and she has caused some of us to lose our heads.
The fundamental genius of nature will remain compelling forever.
And so on and so forth

September 25, 2004 in Random Thoughts | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Pearl Jam

Went and saw Pearl Jam tonight. Crazy cool. The girl I adore from the coffee shop was really sweet. Thanks to the friends that helped me find my way in the door.

Below is the best picture I got. Apparently my photography skills need some honing. I'll ask Tara for help.


September 25, 2004 in Now you've done it... | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack

Dr. Seuss


September 24, 2004 in Found Picture | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

6620 Background pics

Here are some background pics for my Nokia 6620 I made for myself...



To use these... Save them. Send them to your phone. I don't know how Windows people do this kind of thing. It's easy on my Mac.

To make your own... All you need to know is that pics look best if you create them as 176 x 144. Bluetooth or otherwise send them to your phone. Life is good.

September 24, 2004 in General Insanity | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack