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News from the edge

Pioneer space probes aren't quite behaving as expected once they leave the solar system. Evidence of unknown properties of gravity? Or leaky tanks? You decide, it'll probably be another 30 years before we know for sure.

via BoingBoing

September 13, 2004 in Science | Permalink


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I can't understand why you don't blog more. You seem like a guy who is full of weird ideas and theories and all around bullshit chicanery. It seems like you might as well write it here and save us all the trouble of having to look at Tara's blog.

I mean, boats? Eh? I mean, jesus h. christ you can't even talk like a pirate on her boat. Now what in the fucking whore's bells kind of rule is that. Yeah, that's what I want to know

Posted by: Matt | Sep 20, 2004 9:46:18 PM

I'm going to kick you in your head, Selby.

Posted by: millty | Sep 21, 2004 3:18:58 PM

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