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The Book of Daniel

Just finished an amazing book, The Book of Daniel, E.L. Doctorow.
The Book of Daniel is a fictional adaptation of the execution of the Rosenburgs, a Jewish couple executed for conspiracy to treason in 1953. This account, written from the perspective of "the Isaccson's" son Daniel, outlines his effort to find the truth about his family.
It took me a while to come to terms with Doctorow's style and find the thread of the story. Moments and stray thoughts are scattered through the narrative in what appears, at first blush, haphazardly. After the first third of the book, however, the brilliance of the author's stylistic decisions becomes clear.
Most of you English majors out there have probably already read this gem, but for the rest of us, I fully recommend.

September 12, 2004 in Books | Permalink


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