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Did you mean...
December 31, 2004 in General Insanity | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
You will have a happy and prosperous new year (in bed)
December 31, 2004 in I need more categories | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Well now I guess that clears everything up nicely...
The problem with Fight Club is that most of the characters didn't look beat up enough.
The problem with this country is selfishness masquerading as ambition.
The problem with Star Wars was its success.
The same thing for just about everything that's ever succeeded... Much easier to manage mediocrity I suppose. Fat heads yield small reality tunnels yield fat heads.
The problem with transcendant ecstacy is reality.
The problem with family is how much a part of you they are.
Most things that work well are designed to adapt and improve. The problem with most things lies in the designer's definition of the environment their work is created to prosper in.
The problem with me is that I traded my soul to the devil in a poorly worded contract.
The problem with you isn't clear to me. That doesn't mean that it doesn't exist, but it might.
December 29, 2004 in Random Thoughts | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Hate Something? Change Something.
Wonderful hate-filled Honda ad. Via Veer.
December 28, 2004 in Found Video | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Uber web services
Is it possible to create a web service which would allow you to open and edit Microsoft Office documents and other proprietarily formatted documents? There would doubtless be licensing issues to get around, not to mention the technical bear of working across a network... but the benefits would be great and many, not the least of which being the dulling of a big arrow in Microsoft's quiver: their Office software.
I'm picturing something like this: The user uploads their document to the web service. The service translates the file and incorporates its content into the editable section of a page sent back to the user. The user uses the tools on the page to change the file. When it's time to save or export the changes, the user submits the document back to the service, which then makes corresponding changes to the doc and sends it back to the user.
It would certainly be better than having to own a ton of software that you might rarely use. Imagine an online library of powerful editing tools, available via subscription or a per-use "rental" model. A quick Photoshop edit here or there. A neat possibility would be the ability to create custom toolsets which are derived from tools available in many different applications for use on the same document. You could run a Photoshop filter, create some vectors, do some word processing - all on the same doc - then export it as a pdf or whatever format floats your boat. A copy remains on the server for future editing. hmmm...
December 27, 2004 in Web/Tech | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
I want to cut a small chunk off of you for my collection.
In return you can have a small chunk of me.
I can only accept a chunk that is equal to or smaller than the largest chunk I myself am willing to part with.
If you feel you need to give me a bigger chunk, and it's too late to change your mind, I will compensate by giving you a few chunks out of my collection, at my discretion.
Once you get your chunk or chunks you can do with them as you like, but please respect them: These chunks used to be chunks of people. If you don't know what to do with your chunks I suggest crafts.
There is also another thing.
For a limited time I am willing to conduct an experiment in which a full chunk exchange takes place. You can have all of the chunks off of me in exchange for all of the chunks off of you.
Naturally a proper courtship period is required before we make this commitment. A comprehensive chunk valuation is par for the course.
And since I'm not sure chunks can be reassembled, as the sum is greater than the whole, all decisions are final.
I have some fairly nice chunks, and eagerly await your response.
December 22, 2004 in General Insanity | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack
This damn thing
I've been such a rare-posting bastard. I've got a strange case of the holy-crap-look-how-life-turned-outs, a minor bit of reflective depressive deliciousness and a bit of a cold to boot.
I've been keeping up on the world, I picked the winning pub quiz team again and learned that the capital of Namibia is Windhoek.
I've been meeting interesting and wonderful people.
I've been thinking about what to get my family for Christmas. In fact, I've been thinking about announcing outright that I would rather celebrate Festivus instead and forgo gifts and stuff altogether. I think maybe I like it too much though. Giving up Christmas is kind of like quitting smoking, only it's probably worse for society.
I have to rent a vehicle to visit my parents in North Central Washington. I should probably just get one of my own. I fantasize about an old Jag or Cherokee, depending on what I want to be when I grow up.
I've been thinking about becoming a professional craftsman or something. I want to chop or sculpt or machine stuff again. Maybe I just need a shop. I want to make more stuff that would last should the apocalypse occur in the next few years. I see visions of goddamned rabbits all the time.
December 21, 2004 in General Insanity | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
The Ossuary in Sedlec
This site has incredible pictures of a church in the Czech Republic decorated with around 40,000 sets of human bones.
December 21, 2004 in Found Picture | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Maybe I'll make this into a t-shirt.
December 17, 2004 in My Art | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Road Noise
What cars need is tuning. They're big giant reverberating chambers. Why the hell isn't road noise a perfect C? Why doesn't the interior of your car adapt its shape and volume to the key of your tunes? Wouldn't such a car make driving better? Imagine pushing a Strad up the Autobahn. Perfect tuning. A symphony of fissioning air on your grill. Brakes that sing. Air conditioning.
Also they should have a center headlamp which turns when you steer.
And fly.
December 15, 2004 in I need more categories | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack