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February 28, 2005 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
As we respect Life almost to the point of ridiculousness, it would be out of the question to simply let the Pope die. Our earlier efforts to ventilate His Holiness, followed by outfitting Him with a set of artificial Lungs, were successful in pushing him beyond the natural extent of His Life, but as he approaches more general systems failure we believe that more drastic measures are in order. We have decided that it is God's will that we remove the Pope's Brain and Spinal Column and install Them in a bio-enhancement unit, which we expect will continue to extend the Life of His Holiness almost indefinitely. Said bio-enhancement unit will be incorporated into a larger Blessingbot/Popemobile, which will directly take instructions from His Holiness via his Brain and Spinal Column, so that the Pope can continue to bless things and make speeches and go cruising and crush all who oppose him and stuff.
February 25, 2005 in General Insanity | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
M$FT 5P33K5 1337!!!111!!
The end of the world is happening right before our eyes. w00t!
February 23, 2005 in Found Link | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack
World Bandwidth Usage
February 22, 2005 in Found Picture | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Social Disease?
Thanks to my buddy Kali for pointing me to this interesting article on one of the strange apparent contradictions of Seattlites: We're nice and polite and friendly and, no, we don't necessarily want to be your friends.
Personally, I think I like this about Seattle. You can go around your day without getting hit by a car, have a friendly conversation with your barista, but you don't have to get shanghaied into a constant social life for the sake of the other people you know. I'm reminded of those TV commercials which show harried women running around trying to be a thousand things to a thousand people. The solution won't be found in a faster cleaning product or a prescription drug, it's Seattle. I do recommend that you import or pre-meet some friends to get started if you're going to be moving here. :)
February 22, 2005 in Found Link | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
Holy cow. This is so cool I cry. FlickrGraph lets you see your connections to other Flickr users and their photo collections in a gorgeous visual interface. Clickyclicky.
February 16, 2005 in Found Link | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack
Found on the inside of matchbooks at The Mecca:
"I'm watching you"
"Don't hate, auto-fellate"
"BRAD just stirred your drink w/ his purple headed swizle stick"
February 16, 2005 in Found in the Analognet | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Bugs Bunny and crew are being updated and set in the future (AD 2772) in a new cartoon from Warner Brothers, "Loonatics," coming this fall according to the Wall Street Journal. Most of the comments I've read about this so far have been negative, but I think people who can't reimagine a classic are fuddy-duddies who hate America. Anyway, it can't be any worse than the "Bugs Bunny Nips the Nips"-type stuff that came out of the '40s...
February 16, 2005 in Found Picture | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack
Got Web?
Suhhhweeeet! Robby's got a domain name again, and a new apartment...
I just signed up for the ridiculous domain name of slipperyshudder.com (which isn't anything interesting yet, so I not linking to it here). I think the name is kind of extremely sexy (which is nice) and also might work well as a way to host pictures (shudder, shutter hurhurhur...). It came from an automatic random domain name generator, which I think is a just pretty basic PHP refresh script thingy, but it did well by me. Anyway, it's kind of nuts for a guy who is at least partly a web designer to not have a place (besides our beloved Throb) to show off his work. So yeah...
Also moving to an uber-hip retro brickish thing on Second Ave here in Seattle called the Humphrey. Embarrassingly, it's a studio, but that actually works pretty well for me, because my computer IS my entertainment center. Also it's likely I'll be able to have sexual intercourse overlooking the Crocodile. God I've been in this city too long...
I (heart) the ellipses baby!
Pretty much...
Oh, also, to all the people who are finding my blog because I like the using the word "porm": You either can't spell, are ESL, or you are an extremely strange creative weirdo like me. In any case, welcome, and I hope you find something you like. If you can't find good porn, try here.
February 15, 2005 in General Insanity | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
The Day After
Here's a new tradition for the day after Valentine's Day. You've just spent a bunch of time and effort on your hot lova, I propose that the day after should be reserved for girls and guys-only nights. I'm planning a guys night out tomorrow, complete with beer, whiskey, pool and/or bowling, uninhibited belching, humorous sexual anecdotes and/or exaggerations and other generally socially unacceptable behavior. You should too! I'm hoping this evolves into a great 'merican tradition so we can make Hallmark some well deserved extra pocket money.
Update! A friend-who-will-remain-anonymous points me to this similar proposal.
February 14, 2005 in Random Thoughts | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack