« February 2005 | Main | April 2005 »

Thumbdance, etc.

I submitted a cou ple of videos to the Thumbdance 30 second film competition. What a gorgeous website!

I wish I knew more about what Thumbdance is supposed to turn into. I guess I could ask Elaine, who seems to be behind this, but I've been avoiding talking about it with her while this competition was open. I signed up for Thumbdance email updates, so I guess I'll find out, even if I'm too shy or lazy to lean over at the bar (one of my sites!) and talk to her.

LiveJournal Moment

Mood: [insert mischievious grin emoticon here]
Music: [insert broken iPod image here] [insert Rhapsody here]
Book: The Evolution of Useful Things
In General: Kicking ass, thanks for asking.

Hey, another thing I wanted to mention at some point... RealNetwork's support site, which I designed and (mostly) built, now has a customer forum. Since I glanced at this I'm feeling a little guilty that there's a question or three there that I could answer, but I'm going to stubbornly pass until I'm extremely bored, which never happens.

March 31, 2005 in Now you've done it... | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack



March 31, 2005 in General Insanity | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Sad iPod :(

My iPod is sad. Needs to be fixed. After I owned it for about 2 weeks. Bleck. Maybe my music is too hardcore.


March 29, 2005 in I need more categories | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack



Oh, the neat things you (that is, someone other than me) can do with a few algorithms and a big brain:

Complexification (and posters)

March 28, 2005 in Found Picture | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack

Walking Octopuses

Check out this funny funny video of octopuses picking up 6 of their tenticles and strolling around on the seafloor with the other two...


[thanks Tom!]

March 25, 2005 in Found Video | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Uh oh

I just sent my parents the link to my blog. Probably they already know, but I'm outed now. Make nice comments to say hello.

March 24, 2005 in General Insanity | Permalink | Comments (10) | TrackBack

Blast from the past

My dad's awesome. When we had a family reunion back in November he brought with him a disc for me containing hundreds and hundreds of old family photos... all of them annotated and ordered in a spreadsheet index. Finally I've gotten a chance to go through all of these and I must say I'm astounded. What a trip to see old pictures of people you know. I'm tempted to get a pro Flickr account and upload the whole slew of these, but I'm not sure they're of general interest enough... plus I'd have to figure out how to convert the notes and tags that he's included in his index into Flickr tags. Anyway, in honor of Dad, here's a few pics of him hamming it up (as he would say) before all most of his hair fell out:



March 24, 2005 in Found Picture | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack

Well. Hm. Ok.

Now you can get bracelets to let everyone know you believe in conservative "values". As if we couldn't tell from your uncomfortable clothes? Anyway, it comes complete with a cute wittle picture of an abortion. Aww. Too bad there isn't a symbol for "selfish". Oh wait... there're five of them. Dare I suggest that feeding tubes might be more appropriate? Ooooh Snap!


March 23, 2005 in Sick, sick, sick | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack


Finally got the poster up I created using one of the best web apps in the world: The Rasterbator, which converts most common web image formats into big pdf files full of dots, which can be printed on standard printers and assembled into posters.

Here's my wall:


[Source image]

March 23, 2005 in My Art | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack


Since nobody likes a grumpy asshat, here're some things I'm happy about right now:

- I've actually made trips to the gym successive days in a row. My extremely well-developed and rippling stomach *cough* is howling in protest, as it should be.
- I seem to have found my creative inclination again. Here's the trick, for future reference: just start doing something that requires a creative inclination. Start a sentence, or a line, or a thought (instead of a beer) and make yourself finish it.
- I got the sweetest email in the world from the girl who makes me woozy (in a good way, yo).
- I might have the opportunity to do some free traveling to interesting parts of the world.
- I have a website, and I have no idea what I'm going to do with it... but the imagination process is really fun. (I didn't create the image there, I put my brand on it. Sue me.)
- The design and site architecture I did for RespectRFID.com, which subsequently got accidentally replaced by the client, is going to be reinstated, which means I'll be able to stand looking at that site again and reading about the product that will revolutionize the way the physical world interacts with the digital world. And no, I'm not going to link to it until my design is back. :)
- My colleague had a cool idea for a fun sideline mobile application which I will help build.
- This summer is going to be awesome! Camping, travelling, Belltown, Omak, Indiana, Paris... I'll explain later.
- Tom's projects kick ass and take names.
- My brain seems to be devoid of tumors.
- My heart still works. See also: my arms and legs, my liver, etc. etc, Chuck Palahniuk.
- Knock on wood.

March 22, 2005 in Happy | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack