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I Wanna Know What Ruv Is

I've just been having an extraordinary weekend and need to share the ruv. Last night was karaoke in the International District with a crew of extremely fun friends. George blessed The Lady is a Tramp with his suaveness and a couple of neighborhood locals gave us spastic waves of happiness with their Engrish rendition of "I Wanna Know What Love Is." Marcelo and Jen and I had wonderful dancing experiences. I wisely chose to sit out any karaoke of my own: on a night like that I would have strove (strave? striven?) for registers beyond my ability to sing and the best interests of the audience.

I saw "Mad Hot Ballroom" today and my eyes were joyfully seeping through the entire thing. People are beautiful and amazing. You should see this.

The New Yorker gives us this gem:


June 4, 2005 in Karaoke | Permalink


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