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Positive Stuff

The sun keeps coming up. Evolution and reproduction and family and tradition keep occuring. You are relatively happy. You are talented and sexyish and people like you. Enough. You have a good body compared to lots of somebody elses somewhere. You like cooler things than some people who brag about the things they like. Your horoscopes aren't helping. Neither is God. These things are probably stupid. You get along well with others. You Bring-Something-To-The-Table. You have taste, as evidenced by your stupendous relatively-new acquisition. You have less debt than the median. Your parents care about you, regardless of your stupid blog. You eat as many solids a day as you want to/can afford. Your job is more challenging than most peoples'. You aren't sure about the rules of grammar. You laugh at least once a day. You are more sane than the "You were never in the Navy!" guys. You can still do a decent enough job of making love, even after you take a break for a while after splitting up with some numbskull who couldn't recognize your potential and/or skillz. The right people want you to work for them, the wrong people don't. You are dedicated to something nobody else understands. You don't have many lice or crabs or the heebie-jeebies. Sometimes you have GOOD hair days. You can give one hell of a blow job or whatever you call the equivelent when performed on girls. You look good in good clothes. Everything is alive and connected and beautiful. You keep waking up in better shape than you were in the night before. Thank god that nasty rash/fungal infection hasn't reared its ugly head in a while. You love something or someone at least as much as yourself. Your arrogance is tempered. You read, you watch. It keeps getting better. You control your own destiny, and realize [verb] it more than most folks. World War III keeps sounding stupider and stupider. If - you are a fool, so is everyone else. If you are dying, so is everything. If you can't relate, you at least understand what I'm talking about. You are what you were meant to be. You are twitching, you respond. You are still alive. Write a song for christsake. A poem. A picture.

June 28, 2005 in Off the deep end | Permalink


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