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Blogs That Flickr

Joined a web ring: Blogs That Flickr, which required that I put an incredibly silly looking chunk of stuff in my sidebar, but I may be able to edit it down to a minimal box which will offend my eyes less. Anyway, maybe this will turn out to be a good way to find cool new things to add to Bloglines. Right on. I may be a nerd. Please carry on.

Other Blogs That Flickr

Also, shouldn't it be "Blogs Which Belong To People Who Flickr?"

July 19, 2005 in I need more categories | Permalink


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I am terribly glad that you submitted your blog. It's great to see NW flava ;)

The ringcode is probably the smallest bit you find out there (as far as webrings go, If you want to see an example click here. These are all the rings that BTF is a member of which feature huge graphics and lots of links.

As for changing the code You could use text links instead :

<< = prev.
# = list
>> = next
logo = Flickr'd

I will allow you to omit the "?" (random link)

Please do not strip the links, as other visitors can't navigate other sites in the ring.

Thanks & Welcome to our group.

Posted by: Amber | Jul 22, 2005 3:00:50 PM

Actually, it should be "Blogs THAT belong to people who Flikr." Generally, you'll only find "which" after a comma at the start of a new clause. "Rob's blog, which is fraught with grammatical errors ..."

Posted by: mike | Jul 24, 2005 11:59:35 AM

I FEEL that you are stupid. Ok, that's a non-sequitor, but whatever. You're probably right, dammit.

Also, the HTML I generated to replace the normal blogsthatflickr code is borked, at least on my mac.

Posted by: Rob | Jul 24, 2005 9:29:11 PM

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