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Loves watching ideas develop.
Loves both making new things and brutally killing things which are dying and/or suck.
Loves to laugh. One chortle leads to another.
Loves struggling with hard problems, and the satisfaction which comes from their defeat and/or defeat of self.
Loves intimacy, sex, women, woman.
Alcohol. Pinball. Things that work.
Loves beer and whisky. See above. So on and so forth. Phone.
Loves mom and dad, brothers, etc.
Loves books, coffee, good music hasn't heard yet/thought about in too long.
Fact teeth and back and belly are in relatively good shape. Winning.
Loves job. Loves art, images, sparkles, time.
Loves data, raw information, ideas. Opinions.
Loves people have bonded with.
Loves blog, self.
Hates blog, etc., but whatever.

July 5, 2005 in Drunk | Permalink


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