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What I did on my summer vacation

Spent the Saturday hanging around the house. Woke up early and cleaned and organized in preparation for later. Collected dentist's chair from friend's house and have made slight modifications to provide user access to controls. Relational mapping is reversed, however, due to antiquated un-programmable interface, so further experimentations may be required. Recorded chair and chair modifications using digital camera and posted to blog. Made trek to establishment known for pinball for lunch and a few drinks. Returned home, took stairs. Made effort to track down lost jacket using text-messaging function on mobile phone. If no response will re-ping tomorrow. Applied coat of gesso to whale vertebra and added very light layer of water-based acrylic pigment. Recorded stages on camera. Attempt to read is disturbed by disappointing music coming out of speakers. Will attempt to finish rooster later.

July 23, 2005 in By Rob, age 10 | Permalink


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