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the explorers


the 'trodes feel cold and metallic
as they slide beside my eyes
guided by vices
they bury their heads in the whore of my hippocampus

tickling, they arch my back, roll my eyes
i am aware as something alive dances from my mouth
i am helpless to stop it
in my bliss

i assume a posture
and breathe, she wants detail
teeth shattering bucking coming seizure be damned i reach and
find her eye
her command and only wish
here is only my jacket's locked and warm self embrace
here is only thank you padded wall

the screen shows merciless mirthless laughter nonsense
plains of cracked plains open and swallow, openly swallowed

my arm tickles the wired end of one of my antennae
jaw locked screaming
i am nailed woman pierced by metal

in my vision i am history
in my vision i'm in an orgy of the living
in my vision i control everything
and am good at it
and then i pull them out

September 10, 2005 in Porm | Permalink


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