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Slo-mo Suicide Bomber

This gunned distribution engine
cosmic contraption of contextual content
just disturbing enough
you click

With warlike focus we evolve ourselves
innovative means of meme capitalization
broadscale boilingpoint disruption viruses
we happy godlike lambs

The masses adoring the free
herculean harems of digital succubi
rolling waves of distributed processing and storage

We are creating the eternal generation
concrete and ephemeral
babies in straight jackets
we are our own immune system
the catastrophic cancer that cures

Rungs of metainsurance and fine print
on ladders of DRM and monetary interest
push through cirrus clouds of open source servers
and see beyond

The fishes of culture in oceanic petri dishes of RAM

Tomorrow you will be plugged into something else entirely

October 6, 2005 in Porm | Permalink


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