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An Affirmation of Cluelessness
An Affirmation of cluelessness - a found chunk of writing by a wonderfully interesting man who works where I do:
I am the son of one of you people, I married one of you people, I've fathered one of you people. All of my neices are you people, as is my daugher-in-law. I am friends with many of you people. But I still, after all these years, haven't a clue about how you people operate
February 23, 2006 in Found Poem | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
The barber shave
February 23, 2006 in Comic | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Selections from Mexico
Idea for symbol meaning "search for this (in Google or other search engine)" for use in printed academic papers and/or poetry.
The invisible scar.
Sitting there taking notes in the form of:
- the playing of the piano
- waterpolo
- sexual innuendo
- the introduction of pleasing smells, so as to influence the memory
Cannot influence the mind without some part of it suspecting what you're up to.
He knew enough to put it in technical terms.
Every couple of minutes some infinite series would interupt the otherwise mundane structure of everyday life.
"Do you know what they DO in the Ganges?"
A) A guru named Crazy Baba cut an inch off of his arm every year.
B) People who are genuinely afraid of you probably should be.
He's a mustard-cutting joke-making cup taker
who sits in the Ritz drinking six packs and routing for the Rams
With plan in hand he stands as man
Living like a six-figure stickfigure
drawn on a man sized swath of sloth
Crack-caller caws keep me crazy
American Male - A Guide Book
- Tomb-raiding wife beaters
- Self-styled gadget mongers
- Sprawl-dwelling bumper stickers
- Inky toke-takers
- Traning wheel assemblers
- Old farts in golf carts
- Doors fans
The story of the creation of the perfect mental postcard to yourself.
Community radio stations.
February 18, 2006 in General Insanity | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Here's a drawing I made for you
February 17, 2006 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
I'm so outta here
Taking off for a couple of weeks in sunny not-Seattle Mexico. This is the least prepared for any vacation I've ever had in my life. Trying to find a threeway balance between there's-never-a-good-time-for-a-vacation, my interest in seeing the projects that I've been working on kick ass, and the need for a chance to focus on something that's not made out of pixels, dollar signs or sugar and spice. So I'm going to Zihuatanejo to take pictures, buy stuff and chase girls.
I'll see you soon,
February 3, 2006 in Now you've done it... | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
You know why like you're a bad kid
She'd be perfect if it weren't for her beautiful yumminess
the other one
I'm so stoked to really see you
You know
February 2, 2006 in Porm | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
eccentric billionaire steven c. byrne
February 2, 2006 in Story Seeds | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack