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NASA's Year in Images


One of the best things that come out of my tax dollars: NASA's Year in Images.

April 21, 2006 in Found Picture | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack


blistered fists in twisted coral temples
swarm food
a hell-bound's valhalla
a hemorrage

razor burn template-tracer vivisection
sculpt it by phone
while continents

sky mall sign in up sell
target market

we regret to inform you
we're sorry you're having trouble
please try again
sorry you are a winner

April 19, 2006 in Random Thoughts | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Flickr faves

Here they come again:


April 18, 2006 in Now you've done it... | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack


My life in numbers:

  • The number of men or women I've killed in my life = 0 (I think).
  • The number of insects I've killed in my life = the number of times I've been annoyed enough to successfully overcome their pesky self-preservation instincts through the skillful application of ancient-inherited-genetic-trait-related-counter-insect program activities.
  • The number of people I would kill if there weren't negative repercussions associated with my action to do so = 0 (I think - but I have some mean-ass friends who might tie you down and tickle the hell out of you if you're a dick to me, so watch out)
  • The number of enemies I have = 0 (unless you count insects or bastards who are being sneaky, I think).
  • The number of people I love/have loved in a romantic way = this question doesn't make any sense any more.
  • The number of hours I sleep at night = Depends on what you mean.
  • Ok, the number of hours I am completely out like a light or dreaming or whatever = Feels like about 5 really good minutes.
  • Um. The number of times I've really engaged with the big bunch of folks I really love and don't see enough and have missed over the last couple of months = too few, I'm sorry.
  • The number of times I've posted to my blog lately = too few again, I'm suddenly shy. Sorry about that too. I still laugh my ass off a good number of times a day, I'll try to relate these more.

April 18, 2006 in Sick, sick, sick | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Mr. Mechanical

I know probably everybody in the world has already tripped across this somewhere else, but I wanted to put a picture of this incredible posable mech guy thing (from here) on my site, so I did it.


April 5, 2006 in Found Picture | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack





April 2, 2006 in My Art | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack