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My back is torturing with me, randomly twisting me from the inside. Some days I can't stand up straight. Other times live electrical wires fire down my leg while I try to sleep. My stance has become crooked and stooped. One of my legs is too short. One side doesn't stretch enough. I have a ridge in my spine. I've been possessed by a demon, but I'll be conjuring a serious exorcism very soon. It is time. I will rain the vengance of hell upon this bastard mofo and return triumphant. By whatever means necessary. Bad day becoming good.

I will stop being such a self-pitying, self-obsessed, non-blogging nerf-herder when that happens. You have my word. I'm really in a damn good mood, and it's time that the system got the message.

September 7, 2006 in Off the deep end | Permalink


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Hang in there! Here's hoping your back gets fixed pronto!

Posted by: mark | Sep 14, 2006 3:06:52 PM

Were you aware that I'm an expert at back exorcism? I'm genetically predisposed to warding off evil back pain demons. And there is a money back guarantee if you vomit pea soup and put a cross where it doesn't belong. ~muerte

Posted by: mushy | Sep 15, 2006 12:25:06 PM

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