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Why I love Reddit
WALL*E is pissing off fat people
In other news: Fat People Continue to Open Themselves Up to Ridicule
In fairness, they do offer a wide target.
Well, I guess I know where you weigh-in on the subject of obesity.
He's right, obesity is a very large problem.
Perhaps we should try to lighten up this heavy topic with some fun puns..?
That would only minimize the gravity of the situation.
I don't know about you guys but I can't weight to see this movie.
What are they blubbering on about anyway?
Hey now, this is a big issue in some peoples eyes.
June 27, 2008 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Streaming mobile music services
Have made this case so many times in so many ways in the last three years. Hope it catches on eventually. We were, perhaps, a bit too early.
June 25, 2008 in Mobile | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
Recursive 3D
Oooo.... this zoomy recursive 3D fractalish thing is cool. Makes me think it would be cool to try to tell a story through zoom. Would be kind of Buddha, no beginning, no end, just cycles. It could branch even...
June 11, 2008 in Found 3D Thingy | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack
I think it is good I am always I might be crazy
It's so nice to be working so hard again; I'm at a place full of fresh new ideas and it's got the spirit to chase them. Life is full of predators and competition and dirty nibbling bastards with noisome and poisonous beaks... but it's also full of promising new horizons and deliciousness and doggone it, people like me.
I've been working on a few things. One of them is my silly taking-forever robot project. The basic idea is to create armatures, systems, of counterbalanced springs and hydraulic or wire-tensioned levers to conduct organized work. I think, if carefully done, that even low powered motors and actuators and a simple PC brain can make such a machine perform elegant things in the world.
I went to Orcas Island last weekend and saw an incredibly inspiring sculpture park belonging to the artist Anthony Howe. Talk about a fresh vision. This amazing man lives super close to Seattle and, while there's some inspiring stuff in our sculpture park, very little of the the projects displayed come close to the evocative lusty and raw elegance of Mr. Howe's strangely natural creations.
All I want to do is take what Anthony Howe has done and goose it with a little technology.
That said, probably this robot project is taking forever because it has no clear goals or milestones: it's just a funky tinkerer's mirage. Like most of you I am a mostly blind blunderer intently focused on creating a knockout story in my own personal dreamspace.
Here's a good thing to watch instead of American Idol or whatever tonight: www.ted.net.
June 9, 2008 in Now you've done it... | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack