Buzz Game Update 1

So far so good, out of $10,000 in 24 hours:
Gain/Loss $402.63
Details on what I've "bought" and why coming soon to a Throb near you.

April 9, 2005 in Buzz Game | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack

Buzz Game

Yahoo has created an interesting prediction market for high-tech called the Buzz Game. I've signed up so I can have a chance to actually make use of the gobs of information I trawl every day and the developing sensibility it has afforded me.

Typically, markets greatly outperform individual predictions. I predict (here I go) the information the Buzz Game generates will prove to be invaluable both for Yahoo and for decisions I might make in the future regarding my own investment and employment choices. The only major problem I see is that the cross-section of folks who are participating in this project is likely skewed toward the techy and early adopter-types, who may tend toward pumping real-world losers due to a willful blindness toward aspects of technology which may be fatally flawed in the eyes of consumers. Anyway, this should be interesting. I'll keep you updated on the progress of my "investments."

April 6, 2005 in Buzz Game | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack